"As a young, “horse crazy” child, my favorite subject to draw was horses. In high school I expanded my subject matter and drew and painted various back drops and decorations for everything from high school plays and musicals to senior proms. This continued through college where I was recruited for a variety of projects.
My oil painting of an Arabian horse was judged the winner of our high school art contest and placed at the district competition.
Because I work full time to support my horse habit I don’t have as much time to create art as I would like. When I do have time I paint everything from murals to wine glasses. My largest project was painting murals on the inside of a restaurant that served Mexican-style food. I even painted scenes in the restrooms! I also enjoy creating jewelry and sculpting.
If there is a blank space on something it can be painted. The walls of my house are tempting!
Art is relaxing and therapeutic for me. I am thankful that God uses me as one of the conduits for his work."
- Julie Karnath
Painted Ponies by Julie Karnath: